For winter break we were fortunate enough to visit home in Arizona! We had so much fun with our family and friends and the fresh citrus we consumed was definitely a plus! Of course Jack loved seeing his cousins and R.J., whom he calls, "my doggy." He had a blast having kids around to play with all the time! Being cooped up in a one bedroom apartment is a bit depriving and i definitely need to be better about getting out and playing with friends. We are going sledding today though, so that will be fun! Anyway, Tyler, the kids and I all drove to AZ together, kind of a long trip but, it was worth it! We drove straight through, we thought it would be cool to surprise everyone by showing up a day early, Everyone was surprised, so we were totally as cool as i thought! :) Tyler stayed for about a month then drove himself back home to Arkansas to start his spring semester. The rest of us stayed a couple weeks longer and flew home, jack still talks about the time when flew on the airplane really really high in the sky! I took lots of pictures of our trip so I will update a few specifics later with pics attached. We made it home safe and sound and its good to be back in the swing of things.
P.s. I love my little boys!!