Often times Tyler gets tickets from his work for sporting events, movies, etc… well this time he got a pair of Suns tickets 7 rows from the front. I have only been to one other Suns game that was as awesome or awesomER than these seats. It was way cool seeing them so close up. And the suns WON!

And on Friday for a free date night we went bike riding to Jack in the Crack to redeem our coupons for 2 free tacos that we got from the game. We had so much fun but, it was a lot harder than I thought. We live off of Chandler Heights and Higley and we went to the closest Jack in the Box which is at Val Vista and Queen Creek (8 mile round trip). It’s not very far for biking but I am pregnant and out of shape. Plus, out here where we live most of the roads don’t have sidewalks to ride and its fairly dark, we don’t have lights on our bikes therefore, it would be difficult for all of the cars to see us if were to ride on the road. So for about 4 of those miles we were riding through really thick gravel which made it extra EXTRA hard (that’s my excuse anyway). AND, it’s a darn good thing my husband is a boy scout and came prepared for the worst… so as we were gleefully pedaling along, about 2 miles into the ride, I heard a sudden “POP” noise from behind me so I turn around to assist Tyler with his blown out tire thinking I was going to have to ride all the way back home all by myself and drive back to the spot with the truck but low and behold, Tyler whips out an extra tube from his back pack and puts it on the wheel and then I start wondering how the heck he’s going to get air in it but low and behold, he pulls out this cute miniature air pump that folds up real little and starts pumping away. I was laughing hysterically and I was so proud of him for being so prepared- he had tons of things in the bag that I never would have thought to bring.

And on Friday for a free date night we went bike riding to Jack in the Crack to redeem our coupons for 2 free tacos that we got from the game. We had so much fun but, it was a lot harder than I thought. We live off of Chandler Heights and Higley and we went to the closest Jack in the Box which is at Val Vista and Queen Creek (8 mile round trip). It’s not very far for biking but I am pregnant and out of shape. Plus, out here where we live most of the roads don’t have sidewalks to ride and its fairly dark, we don’t have lights on our bikes therefore, it would be difficult for all of the cars to see us if were to ride on the road. So for about 4 of those miles we were riding through really thick gravel which made it extra EXTRA hard (that’s my excuse anyway). AND, it’s a darn good thing my husband is a boy scout and came prepared for the worst… so as we were gleefully pedaling along, about 2 miles into the ride, I heard a sudden “POP” noise from behind me so I turn around to assist Tyler with his blown out tire thinking I was going to have to ride all the way back home all by myself and drive back to the spot with the truck but low and behold, Tyler whips out an extra tube from his back pack and puts it on the wheel and then I start wondering how the heck he’s going to get air in it but low and behold, he pulls out this cute miniature air pump that folds up real little and starts pumping away. I was laughing hysterically and I was so proud of him for being so prepared- he had tons of things in the bag that I never would have thought to bring.